A fundraiser for healthy water
Thanks to all who supported us
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THanks to our SPonsors
•Team Elevate•Edgewell Personal Care•Grant Allan Cook • Vaughan Scott •First Scene •Wella • Lost Spring Spa• Predictwind• Luke's Kitchen • Power Tool Centre Onehunga • Allison Mooney• Snowy Waters Lodge • Spectra Hair •Greymans Fitness Solutions• Kimberly-Clark • McPhersons •Villa Maria Wines •RedefinedU •Brox Ltd • Red Bull• Wolf and Wolf • Bella and Rose • Purina
And thanks to all who attended the fun evening
A fundraiser for healthy water for the community of Moindabi, Kenya.
Two years ago in a village in Moindabi, Kenya, many of the children can't go to school because they have to collect the most essential thing on the planet - water. Donations to be* helped finance the building of two storage tanks, a pumphouse and provide power. The story continues with the successful cultivation of crops as a result of water bubbling from the corn field stored in the tanks and irrigating the land.
Phase 2 of the project is to remove the fluoride from the water so the children do not have deformed teeth. Too much natural fluoride in the water causes malformation of gums and teeth, impedes speech development and lessens opportunity for work.
Fluoride Drum Filter for Drinking Water
Our plan is to place a Fluoride Drum Filter in every household which will provide enough drinking and cooking water per day for a family. It will be life changing for the whole valley!
A Taste of Africa Night 2014