New Pride Primary School
We have sad news - this week one of the schools we partner with, in Kibera, Kenya, has been demolished. The New Pride Primary School (which rented rooms) was demolished to make way for a new road to go through the slum. Residents were given just two weeks notice, which was far too short a time for them to find new premises.
To help the relocation of New Pride School we urgently need to raise $30,000 to buy land and a building that the 250 children and 12 teachers can move straight into.
Fundraiser for New Pride Primary School
8th September 7pm
6 Jack Conway Ave, Manukau, Auckland
Tickets $30
featuring Trish Scheres - Image consultant & Personal trainer
"Do you have a full wardrobe with nothing to wear?”
"Learn the 4 factors to wardrobe planning the never have a mistake hanging in your wardrobe again”
“Sort out the clutter - the three R’s”
Gather the girls together for a night of inspiration as we hear from Image Consultant & Personal Trainer, Trish Scheres. Trish has over 25 years of Image Consulting experience and will be sharing her tips on looking great, feeling awesome and having fun.
Tickets $30 also include refreshments on arrival, dessert and spot prizes.
If you have a wardrobe full of clothes with nothing to wear, this event is for you! Come and learn the 4 factors to wardrobe planning. You'll never have a mistake hanging in your wardrobe again!
Trish is an engaging and motivating speaker, who loves keeping active. Trish has extensive bodybuilding and powerlifting experience, winning a bronze medal for New Zealand at the 2008 World Powerlifting Championship in the USA.
Proceeds from this fundraiser will go to New Pride Primary School in Kenya which needs a new home urgently. The school building, located in the largest slum in Africa, Kibera, was demolished to make way for a road development. It is urgent they find new rooms to hold classes for the 250 students. Funding of $30,000 is needed to relocate the school and secure access to an education for the children living in the slum.
If you can't be with us on this evening or you are male, we would love your support for New Pride Primary School. Please give generously if you can, your dollar will go further as Origin Builders have agreed to match donations DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR (up to $20,000)!
Thank you for supporting be*
Please mark your donations 'Pride'